These men from the 1969 roster were killed in action; this page is dedicated to their memory
12-May-69   Roland Mark Settimi, 3rd plt. MEDIC, Age 20, Tay Ninh Prov. Pix
02-Jun-69   Francis Russell McGowan, age 21, Long Khanh Prov. Pix
12-Aug-69   Martin Dean Childress, age 25, Binh Long Prov. Pix
12-Aug-69  Clinton James Weaver, Age 20, Binh Long Prov. Pix
05-Sep-69  Gary Curtis Harwell, 3rd plt. MEDIC, age 21, Phuoc Long Prov. Pix
05-Sep-69  Bernard Anmbrose Propson, Age 20 Phuoc Long Prov. Pix
05-Sep-69  Ray Warren Purifoy, Age 27, Phuoc Long Prov. Pix
29-Sep-69  Laurence Thomas McDowell, age 19, Tay Ninh Prov. Pix
05-May-70  Dennis Allen Sprenkle, Age 21, Binh Long Prov. Pix
21-May-70  Robert Paul Cote, age 20, Cambodia. Pix
30-May-70  Harry Davis Pickard, 3rd plt, Age 21, Cambodia Pix
30-May-70   George Weid, Jr., 3rd plt., Age 26, Cambodia Pix
26-Jul-70  Jimmy Henry Mercer, age 21, Binh Long Prov. Pix
Those arriving in 1969
Thanks to David Judge (3-6) for providing a roster.