These men from the 1970 roster were killed in action; this page is dedicated to their memory

24-May-70   Dennie Lynn Carnett, age 27, Cambodia. Pix
30-May-70  Thomas Stephen Lipp, 3rd plt, then age 21, Cambodia. (survived wounding but died from wound complications on 05-Mar-86)
19-Oct-70   Cleatis Lynn Burgess, 3rd plt, age 20, Long Khanh Prov. Pix
20-Dec-70  Albert Jacob VanderHaag, Age 22, Long Khanh Prov. Pix
23-Feb-71  Marvin Allen Luerkens, 3rd plt, age 19, Long Khanh Prov. Pix
23-Feb-71   Pedro Cabrera Pangelinan, 3rd plt, Age 27, Long Khanh Prov. Pix
18-Jun-71   Lon Paul Gregorash, 3rd plt., age 20, Long Khanh Prov. Pix
18-Jun-71   Gary Lee Johnson 3rd plt, age 20, Long Khanh Prov. Pix

Those arriving in 1970

Ackerman, Jackie M.
Ahern, Francis T.
Albright, Robert, CO
Allen, Cecil O.
Anderson Gary L.
Applewhite, Robert
Arguello, Marcos S.
Ball, Richard A.
Barajas, Nicanor
Bartlett John, MEDIC, 3rd plt.
Bass, ______________
Bays, Charles
Benevidez, Richard
Bernardo, Pedro
Black, Richard E.
Blackmon, Gilbert
Blaskowski Richard L.
Bledsoe, James L.
Binkley, Richard A.
Borroel, Adolph, 3rd plt.
Bouhard, Rene A.
Bowers, Bobby J.
Brinkley, Henry D.
Brown, Courtney, 3rd plt.
Buchanan, Clarence
Burgos-Bruendo (?), DA
Burns, David G.
Cambron, James R.
Capps, Troy S.
Carlyle, Ronald E.
Carrillo, Arthur
Carr, Peter D.
Carter,Robert J.
Casteen, David A.
Caylor, Dennis C.
Chambliss, Thomas
Chasar, William A.
Chestnut, George W.
Clark, Donald
Cobb, Phillip L.
Cobb, William R.
Comeau, Victor B., 3rd plt.
Conalt (?), ___________ E.
Cook, Jimmy N.
Cook, Robert S.
Coulston, Carl S.
Criss(?), Edward E.
Cromwell, Thomas J.
Crowder, Ernest L.
Cuen, Jesse O., 4th plt.
Daigle(?), Jerry
Davis, Gerald L.
Dencker, Peter A., X-6
Denholm, James, 3rd plt.
Dibble, Thomas H.
Donovan, Patrick S.
Donnelly, Thomas
Dublin, Craig, 3rd plt.
Duckwyler, Robert M.
Durocher, Gary L.
Ehler, Laverne F.
Elijah, Manuel R.
Fannon, Michael, 3rd plt.
Farrington, William
Feimster, Alfred L.
Frazier, Wayne D.
Frisch, Melvin S. 3rd plt.
Furlong, James D.
Garrick, Mathew J.
Gary, Ronald, CO
George, Paul M.
German, James
Geskey, Michael N.
Graham, Roy G.
Graham, Victor A.
Gobert, Daniel J.
Green, James
Grigg, Ronald D.
Gustwiller, Thomas J.
Gutierrz, Ernan
Hamilton John E.
Happens, Jimmie B., 3rd plt.
Healed, Donald, CO
Harling, Jeffrey D.
Harper, Linwood
Harper, William F., 3rd plt.
Harris, Maretin T.
Hartman, Jack S.
Heckart, Michael L.
Henkelman, Wallace, Lt.
Hernandez, Francisco X.
Herrera, Robert
Hettinger, Barrett
Holloway, Johnny M.
Hughes, Earl H., FO
Hunter, Bruce
Ibarra, Efraim
Jamie, Antonio
Jerrett, William T.
Jordan, Gale D.
Judge, David J., 3-6
Keith, Alvin
Keith, James
Frazier, Wayne
Ketchum, Thomas
King, James T.
Kirkland, Emory, 3rd plt.
Klapperich, Reid (?)
Kolb, David F.
Lampietti, Patrice
Lariz, Michael E.
Larzowe(?), Dennis
Lawson, John A.
Lowe, James Lloyd
Lowe(?), R.W.
Lowth, William R.
Ludich (?), Alan K.
Maddox, Alan, M.
Magoffin, Shelby
Maguire, Jeff Al, 2nd plt.
Maley, Frederick R., 2nd plt.
Manderville(?), Patrick
Marlowe, James
Martin, Donald G.
Martinez, Steve, 3rd plt.
Masciocchi, Richard D. 1st, 4th plt.
Mason, John A.
May, Melvin
McDonnell, Greg B.
McDonald, Richard D.
McLawhorn, Bennie
McClellan, Robert W.
McSweeney, Richard, MEDIC, 3rd plt.
Mendez, Luis A.
Melvin, Mark, 3rd plt.
Merrill, Lawrence
Meyer, Richard CD.
Miller, David G.
Miller, Jerry J.
Milligan, Michael C.
Mixon, Perry E.
Muillins, Dan or Jan W.
Muniz(?), Roberto(?)
Murai, Dennis M.
Myles, Kevin, XO and 1-6
Murphy, Dennis J.
Neuffer, Clifford, 3rd Plt.
Newman, James S.
O'Brien, Ronald E.
Olsonawski, Dennis D.
Orona, Joseph R.
Pacheco, Edward R.
Passmore, John
Payne, John L.
Pence, Larry, 3rd plt.
Peters, Jerry
Phenix, John E. 3rd plt.
Pike, William E., Jr.
Pilgrim, Ronald L.
Powell, Joseph, T.
Posteste, Richard F.
Potz, David W., 3rd plt.
Price, Arthur
Price, James C.
Priest, Roy J.
Prig(b?)now, Joel K.
Prout, Frederick J.
Rasyner, Joseph R.
Rice, Clayton D.
Rios, Juan
Risinger Alvin M.
Rivera, Carlos, 3rd plt.
Rivrea-Soto, Luis
Roberts, James A.
Robinson, William H.
Rogers, Wiley, 4-6
Roller, George D.
Rose, Jack
Sample Aubrey F.
Savelle, Joe B.
Seelye, Terry W.
Seitz, Gregory C., 3rd plt. to Bn Aide
Simmons, Paul E.
Simpson, Bobby J.
Skatzes, Richard V.
Smith, John A.
Smith, Gerald
Smothers, Charlie
Sonick, Larry, L.
Sorenson, Charles P.
Stoehr(?), Joel F.
Stromeyer, Elroy
Swatkowski, Robert J.
Talley, Carlton B.
Taylor, Bob(?) Allen
Taylor, Richard H., CO
Thach, Rudolph, P.
Thorson, Dave L. 3rd plt.
Tong, John J., Jr.
Towery, Logan, 1st plt.
Turner, William, 3rd plt.
Tyrell, Joseph P., 1st SGT.
Vaden, Thomas W.
Valdez, Lee
Vaughn, Kenneth E.
Ventriglia, Joseph M.
Verucchi, Donald, 3rd plt.
Vinson, Huewett(?)
Vivian, Ivan Keith, 3rd plt.
Vitchoff, John P.
Vrabel, Ronald V. 3rd plt.
Walters, John W.
Warren, Paul F.
Webb, Kenneth A.
White, Johnny L.
Whitlow, Thomas m.
Whitt, J. L.
Wick, Jacob
Winkler, Gregory
Winslow, Dennis R., MEDIC, 4th plt.
Wood, George H., Jr.
Woody, John C.
Wright, Issac A.
Wright, James E. 3rd Plt.
Young, William C.
Zimmerman, Charles E.
Zittergruen, William

Thanks to Keith Nash and Jim Denholm for supplying several names on this page and to Dave Judge for rosters. Background photo from Bob Brandin