These men from the 1971 roster were killed in action; this page is dedicated to their memory

Marvin Lynn Biscamp, 12-Apr-72, age 19, Binh Tuy Prov. Pix
Richard H. Sansbury, 1-Jul-72, age 24, Prov. unknown Pix

Those arriving in 1971

Asuncion, Juan

Baker, Tommy J.

Bright, Bill L.

Dobbs, Doyle D, XO

Dudash, John R, 3rd plt.

Eklund, John L.

Frazier, Wayne

Frey, John F.

Johnston, James H., CO

Keith, Alvin

Lindemond, James L. Sept., '97

Noschoeur (?), Jack D., CO

Pedersen, Robert M, X-6 (plt. leader)

Price, Arthur H.

Prout, Frederick J.

Rivera, Charlie, 3rd plt.

Rowe, Richard, 4th plt.

Snyder, Richard L. 4th plt.

Thornton, Larry, MEDIC

Weisbrod, Philip L.